2004 동기회 체육대회 행사계획(2004. 9. 26)
04-09-23 10:14 12,454회
1. 경기종목
1) 축구 : 14:30분 ~ 15:30분 : 60분
2) 족구 : 15:30분 ~ 16:30분 : 40분
3) 축구(번외경기) : 16:40분 ~ 17:40분 : 60분
4) 800m계주(남,여) : 18:00분 ~ 18:30분 : 30분
2. 팀 선정(전종목) : 홀수반 (1,3,5,7,9) : 짝수반 (2,4,6,8,10)
3. 시상내용 : 축구, 족구 우승 각10만,
계주(남)우승 5만, 계주(여) 우승5만.
4. 준비물 (회장단) : 물, 음료수, 막걸리, 소주, 맥주
과일 및 안주류 등등..
5. 증정품(150매) : 타올 (전회원)
6. 행운권 추첨이 있습니다 - 기대하세요 ^^
- 많은 참여 바랍니다 -
그리고 각반 대표들은 각반원들에게 꼭연락하시어 많이 참석하도록 독려 바랍니다.
가족들도 꼭같이 참석하시어 푸른잔디밭에 옛친구들과 함께 그때 그시절로 되돌아 갑시다
<center>메기의 추억 </b><br><br>
<center><table border=4 bordercolor="008000" cellpadding="0"cellspacing=0 style="border-style:dashed;"width="531"><tr><td><table border=2 bordercolor="008000" cellpadding="0"cellspacing=0 style="border-style:dashed;"width="531"><tr><td>
<table><tr><td><table style="background-color :006400;border-width:3px;border-color:006400 ;border-style:ridge;"CELLSPACING=5><tr><td><table
border="0"cellspacing="ff1493"cellpadding="0"background="http://pds4.cafe.daum.net/download.php?grpid=Z35w&fldid=LVJU&dataid=173??dt=20040922231014&disk=7&grpcode=loveyou3040&.bmp " width="531" height="573"><tr><td><FIELDSET style="border:1px; padding=7;width=531; height=190; overflow: auto"style="filter: Alpha(Opacity=90);">
<pre><ul><span style="font-size:10pt; word-spacing:0; letter-spacing:-1;"><font face="verdana" color="#ffffff"><b>
The violets were scenting the woods
Maggie Displaying the charms to the breeze
When I first said I loved only you
Maggie And you said you loved only me
The chestnut blooms gleamed through the glade
Maggie A robin sang loud from a tree
When I first said I loved only you
Maggie And you said you loved only me
The golden-robed daffodils shone
Maggie And danced with the leaves on the breeze
When I first said I loved only you
Maggie And you said you loved only me
The birds in the trees sang a song
Maggie Of happier transports to be
When I first said I loved only you
Maggie And you said you loved only me
Our dreams they have never come true
Maggie our hopes they were never to be
When I first said I loved only you
Maggie And you said you loved only me.
<EMBED src=http://www.gayo114.com/freelink/freelink_aplay.asp?c=338392_356609&ext=.asx width=0 height=0 hidden=true type=video/x-ms-asf volume="0" loop="-1" autostart="true">
1) 축구 : 14:30분 ~ 15:30분 : 60분
2) 족구 : 15:30분 ~ 16:30분 : 40분
3) 축구(번외경기) : 16:40분 ~ 17:40분 : 60분
4) 800m계주(남,여) : 18:00분 ~ 18:30분 : 30분
2. 팀 선정(전종목) : 홀수반 (1,3,5,7,9) : 짝수반 (2,4,6,8,10)
3. 시상내용 : 축구, 족구 우승 각10만,
계주(남)우승 5만, 계주(여) 우승5만.
4. 준비물 (회장단) : 물, 음료수, 막걸리, 소주, 맥주
과일 및 안주류 등등..
5. 증정품(150매) : 타올 (전회원)
6. 행운권 추첨이 있습니다 - 기대하세요 ^^
- 많은 참여 바랍니다 -
그리고 각반 대표들은 각반원들에게 꼭연락하시어 많이 참석하도록 독려 바랍니다.
가족들도 꼭같이 참석하시어 푸른잔디밭에 옛친구들과 함께 그때 그시절로 되돌아 갑시다
<center>메기의 추억 </b><br><br>
<center><table border=4 bordercolor="008000" cellpadding="0"cellspacing=0 style="border-style:dashed;"width="531"><tr><td><table border=2 bordercolor="008000" cellpadding="0"cellspacing=0 style="border-style:dashed;"width="531"><tr><td>
<table><tr><td><table style="background-color :006400;border-width:3px;border-color:006400 ;border-style:ridge;"CELLSPACING=5><tr><td><table
border="0"cellspacing="ff1493"cellpadding="0"background="http://pds4.cafe.daum.net/download.php?grpid=Z35w&fldid=LVJU&dataid=173??dt=20040922231014&disk=7&grpcode=loveyou3040&.bmp " width="531" height="573"><tr><td><FIELDSET style="border:1px; padding=7;width=531; height=190; overflow: auto"style="filter: Alpha(Opacity=90);">
<pre><ul><span style="font-size:10pt; word-spacing:0; letter-spacing:-1;"><font face="verdana" color="#ffffff"><b>
The violets were scenting the woods
Maggie Displaying the charms to the breeze
When I first said I loved only you
Maggie And you said you loved only me
The chestnut blooms gleamed through the glade
Maggie A robin sang loud from a tree
When I first said I loved only you
Maggie And you said you loved only me
The golden-robed daffodils shone
Maggie And danced with the leaves on the breeze
When I first said I loved only you
Maggie And you said you loved only me
The birds in the trees sang a song
Maggie Of happier transports to be
When I first said I loved only you
Maggie And you said you loved only me
Our dreams they have never come true
Maggie our hopes they were never to be
When I first said I loved only you
Maggie And you said you loved only me.
<EMBED src=http://www.gayo114.com/freelink/freelink_aplay.asp?c=338392_356609&ext=.asx width=0 height=0 hidden=true type=video/x-ms-asf volume="0" loop="-1" autostart="true">
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